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  • Shihan Kendall

MLK: Warrior of Faith

Take the first step in faith.

You don't have to see the whole staircase.

Just take the first step.

-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Dojo Family,

I always thought this quote -- from one of the great peaceful warriors of our time -- was a great Dojo quote. The steps we take on our own warrior paths -- paths, we hope, towards individual growth and a stronger community -- are always dependant on faith. Thousands of kicks have to be thrown before we see significant change in our balance, flexibility and power. Thousands of crunches and pushups need to be done before the change in our bodies becomes noticable. When we're sweating through such exhausting work, it can be hard to see "the whole staircase"--particularly for kids who might not yet have experienced the rewards that perseverance (and sweat) brings. But we're learning, learning to see the staircase and to see where it's taking us. That's the transformative power of Faith--and we are nothing if not a community of Faith.

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