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  • Shihan Kendall

The Strength of Gentleness

Updated: Jul 22, 2021

Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.” Leo Buscaglia

There is perhaps no human quality more sought-after, and yet less understood, than strength.

Strength is, simply, essential to our survival. It is the quality that allow us as individuals, communities and nations persevere and triumph even when things go bad. Strength allows us to set a course and reach our destination no matter what obstacles we have to go over or through. Strength keeps us from falling victim to those who would hurt us or use us for selfish purposes.

But for too many people, strength is seen as something that must be wielded over others--one either dominates or is dominated. Kindness and compromise are seen as signs of weakness. These people instead prefer bluster and posturing and often aggression and cruelty. It’s how they hide their own fear and deficiencies.

In our dojo we dedicated ourselves not only to the development of strength—physical, mental and spiritual—but to the understanding of strength as well. The true martial artist understands that true strength is demonstrated not by keeping others down, but in the ability to lift others up.

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