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Doyle Irish Stick fighting is a devastatingly effective combative system utilizing a shillelagh, or walking stick. The Doyle family system utilizes a unique 2 hand approach and was developed by the Doyle family in Ireland over 200 years ago! This system has traditionally been handed down through the family and is now enjoying a re-emergence and being taught throughout the world.
The modern practice of Bataireacht ( Stick fighting) has been growing in popularity as a means of self defense due to the practicality of using a simple walking stick or cane. The Doyle system, while originating in Ireland, came to North America though Canada and Newfoundland during the great famine exit. The system is based on pugilism and boxing and uniquely blends these concepts using the shillelagh!
Come experience the "Rince an Bata Uisce Bheatha"
"Dance of the Whiskey Stick!"
Tuesday Evenings 7:00 8:00
Bernard Leddy

Sensei Jim Poulin
Mondays, 7:30 - 8:15
Sensei Jim Poulin has been a member of the Dojo family since 2006. He first was introduced to Irish Stick Fighting around the time he received his 2nd Degree Black Belt in 2011. Since 2021, he has been training directly under Bernard Leddy, the Chieftan of the European and North American sections of the Doyle Family Fighting Style. This year Jim was elevated to Level 4 Coach himself!.